24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 269-385-3587

General Contact: 269-345-5595

YWCA Kalamazoo & SAAM

Among many other wraparound services, YWCA Kalamazoo offers shelter, counseling, legal assistance, and victim advocacy for survivors of sexual assault.

​In addition, YWCA provides sexual assault nurse examinations (SANE) 24 hours/ 7 days a week at no cost. When a SANE is required, clients are accompanied by volunteer supportives to guide them through the process and offer follow-up services.

​Clients also receive care kits that contain various comfort items, many of which are donated by the community. One of the most important components of these care kits is a letter from another survivor of sexual assault.

​The power of community engagement is undeniable. As part of this year’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month project, we would like to collect more letters from survivors as these can have a lasting and meaningful impact on someone experiencing a difficult event.

Tell Us Your Story

The importance of having an outlet to process trauma such as sexual assault cannot be overstated.  We want to offer you a safe space to anonymously share your story, free from judgment, scrutiny, or criticism.

What happened to you does not define who you are.  We believe you.

Write to a Survivor

Friends, family, and staff at organizations such as YWCA can offer great support for victims of sexual assault, but the impact of hearing from those with shared experiences is invaluable.

Fill out the webform below to write a letter to someone, survivor to survivor.    Name and email are optional.

    Tell us your storyWrite to a Survivor